♦ Study and Application of Advanced and Sustainable solutions in Water Resources Management

    Flood and Drought Risk management for the Mekong delta and Cities including building tools for decision making; plans for community-based disaster management…
    Application of Innovative solutions with low cost, natural friendly for river bank and coastal dyke protections

    ♦ Consulting services in Investigations, Project Preparation, Structural Designs, Project document review and evaluation, Technology transfer in fields of Water Resources

    ♦ Education support for graduate and postgraduate studies; Short course training; Participation and co-organization of internal and international workshops.   



    Our Mission The Mekong Water Technology Innovations Institute (Mekong Water Innovation) is established by the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) for Innovative activities in fields of Water resources, Water Technologies and Environment for sustainable development of...


    ♦ Study and Application of Advanced and Sustainable solutions in Environmental Management.
    ♦ Application of Innovative solutions with low cost, natural friendly for Environmental Treatment and Protections.
    ♦ Consulting services in Investigations, EIA reporting and Environment Management...

    Water technology

    ♦ Study and Application of Advanced and Sustainable solutions in Water Technology Application of small size model for water treatment for people in the flood area of the Delta.    Measures for saline water and fresh water supplies for aquaculture productions in the coastal provinces in the...